Day 1
Arrive at Addis Ababa Bole International airport.
Overnight Hotel
Day 2
Head to Langano passing through the Rift Valley.
Overnight Hotel
Day 3
Descend to Arba Minch visiting the Dorze village.
Overnight Hotel
Day 4
Visit Netchsar national reserve and Lake Chamo.
Overnight Hotel
Day 5
Depart towards Jinka discovering diverse tribes.
Overnight Hotel
Day 6
Excursion to the Mursi and Bodi tribal village.
Overnight Camping
Day 7
Depart to Murulle for Karo and Bume tribes.
Overnight Camping
Day 8
Head to Omorate for Dasenech ethnic group.
Overnight Camping
Day 9
Journey to Konso; en route visit the Erbore tribe.
Overnight Hotel
Day 10
Enter to Borenna region and visit El Sod crater.
Overnight Hotel
Day 11
Head to Awassa sited at shore of Lake Awassa.
Overnight Hotel
Day 12
Drive back to Addis and in the evening departure back to home